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Halloween Food Gifts
When you’re shopping for Halloween treats, chances are it’s for all the neighborhood kids. But Halloween can also be a time to let loved ones know you’re thinking of them. Send them all Halloween candy and cookie gifts in fall flavors as bright as the colors of the changing leaves. Put together unique Halloween gift baskets, and treat yourself to the same fantastic treats while you wait for the trick-and-treaters to show up.
Halloween gifts that aren’t creepy.
Delight everyone with desserts featuring fall flavors like apple, cranberry—and pumpkin, of course—that celebrate the harvest. And of course, Halloween cookie gifts are always in style, with warm, sweet spices adding a flavor palette to complement the fall colors.
Halloween candy gifts…no costume required.
Give the everyday candy to the trick-or-treaters, and save the good Halloween treats for yourself and your family. Put together Halloween gift baskets with whimsical hand-decorated melties, truffles and tortes. Our Halloween food gifts are the best Halloween treats they’ll get all season.